Finally after 4 1/2 years I finished my double degree at Deakin University. So on the 7th of October 2005, I flew down to Melbourne and then jumped in the car with mum and dad for the drive to Geelong for the graduation ceremony. The ceremony started at 5pm, but I needed to be there at 3pm to get fitted in the gown, regalia and hat. I was a bit dissapointed as I only got the green regalia for education and not the blue regalia for the human movement, it would have been nice to have the two.

The ceremony wasn't too long, but it was funny as some of the graduates were guilty of various fashion crimes including jeans and runners, and stockings with sandles!

The ceremony wasn't too long, but it was funny as some of the graduates were guilty of various fashion crimes including jeans and runners, and stockings with sandles!
On Saturday the 8th of October my parents organised a suprise dinner for me! As I walked in to the local pizza place - Como Pizza, there sitting at the table was Ian, Robyn, Elke, Grace, Sian, mum and dad. It was a great dinner and heaps of fun to catch up with everyone.
It was so nice to go to Melbourne for the weekend, even though it was cold. It was really nice to finally see everyone again, as it had been months since I had seen mum, Sian and everyone else. It was also fantastic to get my hands on tow very important and expensive pieces of paper - my degrees!