The diving pool itself was pretty good, the 5m and 10m platforms were new and they were nice and wide. The 3m springboards weren't too bad, but there were only two boards.
We stayed at the Auberge Royal Versailles Hotel, it was quite nice but the food was average. We caught the Metro to and from the hotel, between stations Radisson and Viau, which was only four stops. It was pretty cold in Canada, on average 12 degrees during the day, and very cold at night.
On the 5th, Melissa and I had Womens 10m Synchro. We just didn't have a great day, our synchro wasn't as good as normal and our individual dives weren't fantastic. We ended up 4th which was really disappointing for us both. China won, then Meghan and Roseline from Canada in 2nd, and Mary Beth and Hayley from America in 3rd.
On the 11/5 I had Womens 3m in the morning, there were 26 girls in the event. My inward, front and front twist were pretty good, but my back and reverse were both short, so I didn't make semi-finals, which is disappointing. That evening at 6:45pm, Sharleen and I had Womens 3m Synchro. We both dove better than we did in Canada, Hui was happy this time! We came 3rd, behind the Russians - Yulia and Anastasia, who dove beautifully, in 2nd place was the Chinese - Li Ting and He Zi. So we got another funky glass trophy to join the one we got last year.

On the 12/5, Melissa and I had Womens 10m Synchro. Our event got underway at 3pm, just as the wind was really picking up! In 14 years of diving these were the worse diving conditions I have ever dived in, plus it was synchro so that made it even harder. We dove quite well, our synchro was a bit out, so our synchro scores were averaging 7.5's. It was so windy for inward and back twist that we had to stand down and wait until it was less windy. In the end we came 2nd, again behind the Chinese - Chen Roulin and Wang Xin. In 3rd place were the Canadian girls - Meghan and Roseline. So that was another heavy glass trophy to take home!
At the Sheraton, there were a few pools, one of pools had under water windows that can be seen from the Sheraton bar. I got Scotty to take a photo of Sharleen and me! This bar was where they shot a few scenes from the movie Anaylze This.
On the last night we had a cruise in a big yacht called Caprice, we cruised around the Ft Lauderdale area for a few hours. We had dinner on the yatch and just hung out with all the divers. It was lots of fun and I took heaps of photos. After the cruise lots of the divers headed down to the beach near the hotel, thats was heaps of fun too.
The third and unexpected stop in the tour of North America was a stop in Houston Texas. Our American Airlines plane from Ft. Lauderdale to LA was a dodgy one, so we had to stop and refuel in Houston. It added an extra 2 hours to our already 5 hour long flight, plus we had to stay on the plane and wait.
It was a good trip to Canada and USA, we had a week of winter, then a week of summer. My synchro results were pretty good, but my individual results need to improve.