At arrived in Beijing on the 4th of August, it was great to finally be there after a very long build up. We got into the village at 1:30am, and it was straight off to bed. The Aussies are living in building D8, and us divers are on the 6th floor, some how I got a room to myself which was lucky. The Village was awesome, it looked great, and there was so much to do.

The next day we caught the bus to get our uniforms, it was like Christmas morning - only better. We got lots and lots of uniform which all looks fantastic! We all couldn't wait to go through it all and try it all on. We also got plently of suitcases and bags to take it all home in.

The dining hall at the village is a sight to behold. It even has a map out the front, cause it really is that big! The dining hall had everything, you name it, they had it. There was even a Mc Donalds, and everything is free!
On the 6th of August we all went out to the Main Press Centre to have our press conference, I did a few interviews which was fun!
In our apartment we had the five diving girls: Sharleen, Alex, Mel, Chantelle and me, also in our apartment was Australia'a only Penthathlete Angie Darby. We thought it would be nice to decorate our room, espeically as we had lovely art work from primary school students back in Australia.

Photos from in and around the Village